A New Jersey Property Owner’s Guide to Emergency Lighting

Out of all the different resources that people interact with in their daily lives, one of the most essential ones that many take for granted is light. 

Given that it’s become a common fixture thanks to how widely available and cheap it is, it’s easy to see why many end up undermining its value. From reading and working on stuff at home to cooking and watcahing TV without hurting your eyes, this all-essential resource plays a crucial role in your life that you can’t overlook. 

While we can all enjoy a great deal of illumination, whether it’s from a lamp, chandelier, outdoor lamp, or the sun, there’s one crucial situation where it won’t be as available: emergencies. 

The problem of not having light and a solution that works

Whether it may be due to a natural disaster or circuit failure, the main inconvenience of modern lighting is that it often goes out when it’s needed most. 

On average, New Jersey residents have had at least one experience where they’ve run out of light when they needed it the most, and this has caused many to reevaluate the way they perceive it. Fortunately, running out of illumination no longer has to be a significant problem, thanks to dependable emergency lighting systems. In fact, New Jersey law has required most buildings to come equipped with emergency lighting systems since 1974!

An overview of emergency lighting

Emergency lighting systems are simply defined as battery-backed or powered devices that automatically turn on when a building’s lighting circuit fails, or it experiences a power outage.

Reinforced by federal, provincial, and association code mandates, the vitality of this emergency system is upheld through constant monitoring and non-negotiable standards. With their help, many buildings all over the state’s commercial, residential, and industrial areas have managed to keep their inhabitants safe with adequate lighting in dire situations.

On the topic of egress

If you’ve stayed in a commercial or residential complex for a while now, you may have grown familiar with the placement of emergency lights in your area. These emergency lights are generally placed along long stretches of paths that lead to an exit door, which is technically defined as a path of egress.

This pertains to a continuous and unobstructed way to exit a structure, building, or space that tenants must walk along in emergency situations. During events that call for a sudden evacuation, these paths must be well-lit with emergency lighting systems so that everyone vacates the area as quickly as possible without accidental stampedes or injuries.

Other types of emergency lighting that your building or property should have

Apart from the lamps that you might be familiar with, there are several other emergency lighting systems that can be used to ensure tenants’ safety at all times. In particular, signs are acquired as a result of fire inspection company recommendations as they direct even the most unfamiliar tenants to safety. 

Here are a few common types of alternative emergency lighting fixtures that you need to have in your space: 

  • Lighted exit signs
  • Running man signs
  • Sortie signs
  • Photo-luminescent signs


For any building in New Jersey, one crucial safety measure that can never be overlooked is an emergency lighting system that keeps all inhabitants as safe as possible. If you’re unsure of whether or not your current system is adequate to meet federal and state building codes or don’t have one at all, following this guide can help you get started on the right foot!

We offer fire protection services in New Jersey that specializes in maintenance, fire inspections, and repairs for emergency lights and fire extinguishers for commercial and residential properties. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can best help and serve your needs!

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